Friday, February 1, 2013


This week has been a pretty typical week. With the exception that the child inside of me is at 6 or 6.5 lbs or so. Wow! That makes it feel like its coming pretty soon. Next week he will no longer be premature if he comes early...woo hoo!

We hosted our friends from Japan this past week. Lots of running around and meetings. Baby was tired for sure from all of the planning and organizing that had to take place to make that happen.

On another note, I think my ankles are gone till baby Phillips comes. They go down in the mornings but by the afternoon they are pretty swollen.

On Wednesday, we went to our weekly check up and everybody was healthy. Baby is measuring perfect and his heart rate is great. Blood pressure is still good for me. I had to do my Group B Strep screening (Google it if you don't know what it is). Yeah...had no idea that you had to do that! :) 

We reviewed our birth plan with our doctor and he was very pleased by my thoroughness...haha! :) 

Thursday night we went to the Vanderbilt Children's Hospital for a CPR course. We both learned a lot. Who knew how hard you have to beat your child on the back if they are choking. Had no idea... I sure hope we don't have to ever do that.

Creepy CPR babies
Until next week...

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