Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Jack - month 8

My little 8 month old!
Our little Jack has been pure delight this month. Each stage of his development has been completely fascinating to me. Today, I looked back at all of his "sticker" month pictures and cannot believe the difference one month makes between these photos. When do they stop changing so much each month? Cliche's are no longer cliches ...they are realities. "Time flies", "Enjoy each moment", "They grow up so fast", etc. It seems that those lines were not real thoughts to me before having Jack. Now, they are realities that ring so true each day. 
Time flies!

Jack - you are one cute kid in your PJs. Side note - zip pjs are a must once they come out of the swaddle! WOW...great invention!

We were at a restaurant and Christopher and I both were talking about Jack's Fred Flinstone feet...I had to snap this moment. His feet are thick! :)

This one is for the wedding slide show one day! 

Each little roll on him is so delicious. 

Very serious with his toys!

At Cheekwood with our friends, Shannon and Dustin and Creed.

Jack and Creed

Fall is here to stay. Love baby hats! Its a problem...I think we have 6!

Jack and Ruby..."sitting in a...swing"

Jack and Paxton - birth-day buds!

Jack and Uncle Phillip when he came to visit for fall break.

Jack and Lucy! She has finally given in to his ways!

Jack went to his first college football game this month! (Side note about the other love of my life in this photo - he is one amazing husband and father. I dont know how I would do life without him. He lights up my life and Jack's life so much.) 

We cheered hard...but the Bulldogs lost.

I am a blessed little lady! 

**Story of the month**
I think my story of the month is more a daily occurrence that I have just loved. I usually feed him at least one of his baby food meals a day and its so awesome to see him maturing and moving to this stage in his life. He is like a little birdy with his mouth open wanting more and more "yum yums". I think sometimes how did he go from not even know what baby food was a few weeks ok to wanting this baby food! Which leads me to think... how did he not sit up a few months ago but now does it totally fine all the time. Or its crazy to remember those days where he use to not smile and now he "smiling is his favorite"! :) 

It is true...its the small things that are the best! 

Ok so onto the details of #babyjack or now #bigboyjack this month!
  • Highlight of the month - Jack says "mama" now! Be still my heart. Its so sweet. It doesn't necessarily mean he is asking for me...but he is saying the words.
  • Sleep: 8:30pm-7:00am! 2 naps a day (9-11, 1:30-3:30) and most days he does an evening catnap around 5:45 for 45 minutes.
  • Schedule: Same schedule since 6 month old. Going great. It is the one thing that definitely I am thankful I started early on. 
  • Clothes: He is in 6-9 months mostly now. Loving the sweaters and hats we have started having to wear. 
  • Diapers: Size 3 still! 5-6 a day! Side note - got the Costco brand this month and they are great! Way cheaper than Pampers too. 
  • Food: Still nursing. Going ok. He eats two solid food meals a day. The items he loves - sweet potatoes, butternut squash, acorn squash, green beans, avocados, apples, bananas, and prunes. The one item he has tried that he does not like is brown rice cereal. Other than that he is loving his homemade baby food. 
  • Drink: Still not into sippy cups of water. We have tried 3 kinds and he does more slurping and spewing than swallowing. :)
  • New things: rolling from one side of the room to the next is his new thing. He loves to roll.  We have started putting Jack in a sleep sack and PJs now that its getting colder. Its like a sleeping bag that you wear. Its awesome! 
  • Bad things: His play mat is close to our fireplace and he has started messing with the grates at the bottom. Not safe buddy. :( 

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