Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Jack - month 6

Jack is 6 months. Wow! He is amazing. Jack has completely blown my mind and my world. This past month I have learned a lot about myself. I have a whole lot more to learn thats for sure. I will blame these life lessons on the joys and woes of parenthood.

I have felt some high highs and some low lows for sure since being a parent. Since having Jack, I have learned (am learning) to love in a different way. Love is more than feelings... at least I am starting/trying to love this way. Love is what keeps things together when the feelings aren't there and its just plain work. I was reading in an awesome book this month (if you are married...you should be reading this book) about covenant love. In marriage you have to work for covenant love. In parenting, covenant love is instinctual. You give sacrificially 24/7 for a little person that doesn't give back to you. However, there is still so much joy and love that comes. That is what our relationship with Christ is like sometimes. How many times have I heard how having children makes you more aware of your relationship with God. I am getting it now!! How many times do I not give to God my best and he loves me unconditionally 24/7. 

This month I read two blog posts about being a parent that are very thought provoking. 

Ok no more serious stuff...onto the sweet boy who has taken his parent's heart. Jack has grown sooo much. We have a #bigboyjack on our hands more now than a #babyjack. :)

This month we vacationed with Christopher's parents in Charleston, SC. It was our first time to Charleston and it was just beautiful (Pics below). A friend that I use to work with came to visit for a few days. And our big news is we are getting ready for our first international trip (Japan) with little Jack. 

Jack at the beach at 5 months old

Jack on his first horse and carriage ride!

Jack... our love!

College of Charleston campus...so beautiful!

Jack the "fish"

Ch-all-ston - :) ...."Dahling everything is wandaful in ch-all-ston" (I definitely haven't perfected the Charleston accent...but it is awesome!)

Jack with his nonna and papa!

I am blessed with an amazing family!
I love this boy so much!! 

Our one all-family photo we got! 

Two of the most amazing people on the planet to me! And they are both adorable!

Kiawah Island. We loved this place!

I mean really...what do you with someone so cute, chunky, and handsome!!?? (This is my Iphone screen saver...definitely my favorite).

Jack got a new toy this month and he is pretty proud of it! :)

Jack went to his first every birthday party. His friend Nelson turned 1.

Jack learned to sit up this month. He has perfected it for sure towards the end of the month.

My little mickey mouse! :)

We now have an official weekly play date with Jack's birthday buddy - Paxton.

**Story of the month**
Mr. Jack officially has teeth. When we were with family in Charleston this month...Jack had Christopher's finger in his mouth and basically bit him. We knew he had been teething, but we had no idea he had two pearly whites that had hit the bottom of his gums. Well, now we know. 

Ok so onto the details of #babyjack this month!
  • Highlight of the month -sitting up and his two bottom teeth....you know what he wants for Christmas? :) 
  • We are swaddle free as of this month. Lets just say I found him on his tummy, face planted into the crib and realized its time to give up the swaddle.
  • He still sleeps from 8:30pm-7:00am like a trooper! 
  • We have as of last week changed his schedule to only 5 feedings a day and two long naps and a cat nap. So far so good.
  • Clothes - Jack is in 3-6 months clothes mostly. Some of his stuff is 6-9 months. We are holding on to 3-6 for as long as possible...6-9 just seems so big! :(
  • Diapers - Switched to size 3 diapers this month. We love pampers! He is using about 5-6 diapers a day.
  • Food - still breast milk only! :) Until next month...
  • We are holding off on solids till we get back from Japan at the end of September. It just seems easier to start that transition after we get back.
  • New things: He loves his exersaucer that his buddy Nelson is letting him borrow. He is really getting into his taggie blanket that is orange on one side and giraffe print on the other (Thanks Mom!) He has started to watch us when we eat. When we eat...he is very quiet and serious and he opens his mouth when we take a bit...poor little guy. Hang in there...solids are coming soon!
  • Bad things: He loves to pull hair now and eat peoples jewelry. Two things that I am not a fan of at all when I see other babies do...and definitely not what I want Jack to do. We are working on it!
  • His 6 month check-up is next week and we will see how much he has grown. 
Until next month...

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