Friday, August 24, 2012

13/40 - "June 20th...our lives changed forever"

So I'm pregnant. It has been such a crazy past couple of weeks/months and I am so excited to finally share with the world! 

June 20th...

Wait lets back up to Tuesday, June 19th. I felt like crap. I was a basket case...had no idea why. I told Christopher...I think we need to go get a pregnancy test. We got the pregnancy test that night. I read the instructions and it said "For best results, use in the morning"...ok. Wait, wait...

So back to June 20th. 

First day of summer.

The day I got ordained at Christ Church as a deacon.

The day Christopher and I found out we were pregnant. 

I guess I could say that I was cautiously excited about this huge leap in our lives. Of course we wanted to get pregnant this year (after Italy of course)...but ITS REALLY HAPPENING NOW!

I felt pretty ok the first week. No big deal. I thought to myself...this is going to be a piece of cake. However after that week...I thought everything that I use to feel and be (energy, alertness, thoroughness, precision) was gone. Don't get me wrong, I have heard everyone say this before, but I thought I was a little tougher than everyone else. :) Oh I don't know what I would do without my husband. Since we have waited quite some time to tell everyone (We did tell our parents of course!) ...he has been my "Go to" for every emotional moment and lethargic night since no one else knew.

So, baby is doing fine. He/She has a great doctor and we have moved into our 2nd trimester.

We are leaving for Japan in just a few days and I am excited to take this adventure. Please say a prayer for me. I have been feeling good as long as I am snacking and sleeping 10 hours a night. So... we shall see.

I hope to continue a blog for this pregnancy since my entire family lives at least a 100,000 miles from me. Oh, and because the "Italy" blog must continue....well we can now call it the Italy 2.0 blog.


  1. Excited for you and Christopher...While we could never take the place of your family, you both are loved and adored by all those who surround you! This will be an adventure for all! Be safe in Japan and make sure you get that sleep! Love, Prayers, and Hugs!

  2. So happy and excited for you! We can follow each other's journeys! Enjoy every moment of your pregnancy, the good and the bad. Praying for a healthy pregnancy.

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