Saturday, January 30, 2010

Amazing Deals at Kroger today 1/30/10

I got the most amazing deals today at Kroger.

Here is the regular price of the items I purchased shown above:
  • Think Thin bars $1.69 x 20 = $33.80
  • Coconut Milk $3.59
  • Honest Teas $1.49 x 2 =
The total without coupons and sales was - $40.37 +tax

I spent TOTAL for everything - $1.49 ($1.40 of that total was the actual total was $.09). The coupons used were 20, $.50 off Think Thin coupons (which double for $1.00 off) and 2, $.50 off Honest Teas coupon (which also double for $1.00 0ff). The Think Thin bars were on clearance at my Kroger for $.75 too.

So that worked out to be some amazing deals! THE END! :)


  1. So did you just steal the coconut milk?

  2. No I did not steal the cocounut milk...with the think thin bars being .75 each and the coupons that were .50 doubling as 1.00 coupons....those extra .25 for each bar paid for the other stuff on my bill! :) Does that make sense? HAHA...did I steal?? NO MEREDITH :)
