Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Encouragement for the Season

With Christmas just around the corner, I can already feel my stomach start to get butterflies. I tend to get a bit stressed about perfect gifts, perfect food, perfect decorations, perfect memories, you know I just want it all to be so PERFECT!

I am trying hard this year to plan ahead, in order to really enjoy the beautiful moments right in front of me. And one of the things I have been working on is stocking up on stocking stuffers for my family.

I read my sister's Christmas list (she is a 26 year-old single gal) and many of her requests were practical items that are just a bummer to have to spend money on (hello, tampons! ugh!). So for the past couple of months I have using my CVS Extra Bucks and Walgreen's Register Rewards to fill her stocking for almost free! The picture above is $18.97 worth of stuff that I got for $1.61 (basically just tax) by pairing sale, coupons, and Register rewards at Walgreens! And the good news is: it's not too late to start saving on the "incidentals" that really add up. Here is a link at moneysavingmom that really helps explain the whole Walgreens system.

Other ideas for those extra drugstore freebies: fill an Operation Christmas Child box, donate to OUR church (Christ Church) to help our refugee families, or get a toiletry box together to give to a woman's halfway house or homeless shelter.

The most meaningful part of the season is to be able to share the love of Christ by blessing others. It's the best way to relieve any holiday stress!

--Posted by Amanda b.

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