Friday, February 13, 2009

Methodical - a little bit about me!

I am definitely a person of methods. I really look at everything on how that can be done through a procedure or through steps. I know that this is good for many things, but restricting in so many other things. I have no real life example that is coming to mind (even though I am trying to use one of my methods to come up with one.) :) I guess it restricts me me most by holding back creativity.

What is exciting is I really enjoy when I am not involved in my methodical thinking process (I do have an example of this). I have quite a memory. I really do remember a lot. Its almost like I have a filing system of memories (OK that is kind of methodical). Anyway, when someone says a certain word or tells a story... I get BUZZ WORDS out of it and I can totally re-live something similar to what they are saying and tell my own story or experience.

One good thing about being methodical is I can see where there are kinks in the system (Whatever system that is). That is definitely the "fixer" in me. In continually searching for my purpose and destiny, I know that I really need to focus on careers and activities where I can use my gift for the good. A job that where I can find links/pieces of a story/untapped potentials. I know that this could be read the wrong way...but really...I see things that a lot of people don't see, ANSWERS. Its easy for me to see answers to problems in peoples lives.

In reading this over, I don't feel like I creatively said what I was trying to write...but I think I got my point across. Ok! So I am working on it. I thinking blogging in itself is give me that for goodness sakes! :)

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